
Link Blogging

  • Exoskeletons and Other Technology to Mitigate or Reverse the Frailty of the Elderly
    The Toyama Lab in Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology has the Wearable Agri Robot It is an exoskeleton for aging japanese farmers that should be commercially available in Japan in 2012 for about one million yen (about $10,000). They hope to halve if the device is mass-produced.

  • Somali radio stations comply with Islamists' music ban
    Most radio stations in Somalia have stopped playing music, on the orders of Islamist Hizbul-Islam insurgents who say that songs are un-Islamic.

  • Psychedelic Information Theory
    'Psychedelic Information Theory: Shamanism in the Age of Reason' is an examination of the nonlinear dynamics of hallucination and altered states of consciousness.

  • The future is Movie OS
    Normal people ‘don’t understand’ computers. Of course, the position is more nuanced than that, and you can do everything from point to documents like Apple’s HIG (for both the OS X platform for Mac computers and the iPhone and iPad platforms), Microsoft’s Windows User Experience Interaction Guidelines and Windows Phone 7 Series UI Design & Interaction Guide to the trainwreck that was the Read/Write Web Facebook Login Fiasco.

  • Japanese spacecraft to land in Australian outback
    An Japanese spacecraft which has journeyed to an asteroid is expected to return to Earth at a remote site in the Australian outback in June, the government said Wednesday.