
Link Blogging

  • How bad is MGM off right now?
    "First off - all the problems with HOBBIT lead back to their mismanagement of that company. NOW... Apparently all development on the next James Bond flick is dead."

  • Tokyopop Enters Digital Comics With OEL Manga
    "Although described as “the world’s top digital publishing distribution service”, Zinio is a name unfamiliar to many of those following the online comics industry. They don’t appear to have any other comics available. Based on the wording of their FAQ, they come from the magazine world, providing a way to make periodicals available online."

  • Committed: Jim Lee's Lack of Wonder
    "A pet peeve of mine is people who can use design software, and so they call themselves designers, (despite no experience or training in the field.) Even though I am able to cook, I would never call myself a chef. Similarly, just because a comic book artist is able to draw clothing, that does not make them stylists or fashion designers."

Posted via email from Jason Reyes' posterous