
Four Green Lantern Comics coming in September


GREEN LANTERN #1 - written by Geoff Johns (not surprised) and drawn by Doug Manke and Christian Alamy. This is gonna be a Hal Jordan book isn't it? Ugh. Pass.

GREEN LANTERN CORPS #1 - The book that has John Stewart. Guy Gardner too, so he's got double duty on OA and Justice League International. Written by Peter J Tomasi. With him and Johns on the GL books, nothing can go wrong with these books. Definite buy.

GREEN LANTERN: THE NEW GUARDIANS #1 The Kyle Rainer book. "Who are The New Guardians? The power of Rage, Avarice, Fear, Will, Hope, Compassion and Love combine to be the most powerful (and colorful) team in the corps under the leadership of Kyle Rayner. Beware their power . . . and their volatility!" It's a wait and see for me.

RED LANTERNS #1 - "Going solo. Atrocitus and his Red Lantern Corps return in their own series, battling against injustice in the most bloody ways imaginable. This Lantern Corps takes no prisoners, they are judge, jury and executioners!" Peter Milligan writing with Ed Benes and Rob Hunter on pencils. This must be the weird book of the bunch. Let's wait and see.

Overall it's some more of the old. DC is really banking on the GL movie to be a hit while hoping that any new reader they're able to catch will like (appreciate?) the established nostalgia of the Green Lantern. Seven corps and not a spotlight on any woman, humanoid or not, from any corps. DC has really got to take a risk here and get a diverse array of fans. Get the hint? Personally I'm just following John Stewart. Would've loved it more if he was the upcoming Justice League's GL instead of instead of Hal.

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