My first research blog
Announcing the coming of my first research blog "Industrial Strength Meme".
Due to my unemployment, I read a lot of books to keep me busy. Textbooks, Manga, Comic books, novels, newspapers, magazines, Internet news sites. After reading all those I've got ideas all jumbled up in my brain, chaosly unsorted and popping in and out of my train of thought all day everyday. I have a paper-based pda which is really a small notepad that you can carry in your pocket to write my ideas on.
My pda is basically just a temporary short term memory storage device. My research blog is gonna be more permanent. It's gonna allow people to view my ideas and lets face it, anyone who has ideas needs someone they can bounce their ideas with like 1-on-1 streetball.
Sometime in March the research blog is gonna be open with posts that are either new ideas, rehashed ideas, ideas that have been around for ages but have only just gotten to my attention, terrible ideas, kick-butt ideas, trippy ideas, ideas that stank and any other idea you ca think of. Idealism might pop-in whenever it wants.
Reviews, biased editorials, and instructions, and related matters will also be posted in the research blog.
Bring it on!