

The Watchmen movie site goes live

The Watchmen movie site goes live. The best comic book series of all time is finally going to be a movie. As glorious and exciting as that sounds I seriously doubt that the mini-siries can be turned into a valid film in one movie. A movie trilogy of Watchmen might be acceptable. Making an HBO mini-siries of it will definitely be a humungous plus.

Some info about the book: It was written by the best comic writer Alan Moore(Top Ten, Swamp Thing, Promethea), Drawn by the incomparable Dave Gibbons (The Originals), and it has the best combination of words ever put into thought bubbles. I wanna type it here but its essential to the story and it might spoil the book for you. The movie's site has only one page for now. It has the book's iconic Smiley Face Button with a drop of blood spilled on it.

Some rumors about the movie:

  • Ralph Fiennes and Jude Law are rumored to play Ozymandias. (Good choices those two.)
  • John Cusack is rumored to play Nite-Owl.
  • The Script of the movie is rumored to be from the comic itself. word for Alan Moore written word. (Man, would that be awesome or what? I'm asking you. I'm not telling you its awesome. Its in the form of a question so I'm asking you.)
  • Sigourney Weaver is rumored to play the older version of the Silk Spectre
  • The Dr. Manhattan character is rumored to be made from cgi instead of using a live actor. (Although using a live actor will work, He's got to be naked the entire time.)

  • Who Watches the Watchmen?

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