

The best television show you never saw

Its 4:31 in the morning and I can't sleep. Might as well right something in the blog. No idea what to write about though. Philippine Politics? nah. too depressing. My ideal girl? its been done. The six, count 'em six, puppies my dog Sugarmommy gave birth to last month? Havent taken pictures of them yet. Sandra Kess? Maybe next time. Oh, I know! The unaired pilot episode of Global Frequency.

Global Frequency. Now there was a show to look forward to. Once news about Michelle Forbes playing the enigmatic leader of the Global Frequency Miranda Zero made the rounds in the net last year. I was ecstatic. I mean here is another perfect match of actor and comic character but more importantly it was based on one of the most intelligent and thrilling comic book series out there. I mean thats a milestone. However, the WB (thats an American channel in the US for those who don't know) passed on the pilot. No idea why. Its a complete travesty. It could have been the newest, smartest and most thrilling one hour on tv. The pilot episode is based on the first issue of the comic minus the multiple guest star structure the comic has. I'd tell you about the story but I'd be spoiling it. But trust me it has some of the most high-end concepts and ideas out there.

In Michelle Forbes, you have the only actress who could play Miranda Zero. Kinda like what Patrick Stewart and J.K. Smmons are to Prof X. and JJJ. (Okay maybe not in Simmons case but he did make Jameson his own). Forbes already looks like Ms. Zero (thats a given). She also got the character down. For a start, Ms. Forbes looks smart, which is perfect. She does a perfect and complete transference from the comic book to the small screen. She's even got the meanness and "don't waste my time look" to a 'T'.

Aimee Garcia plays Aleph. The only other character who appears every issue besides Miranda Zero. Aimee's Aleph doesnt seem as interesting or as weird as the one in the comic. However I could grow to like her in the role if the Pilot ever gets picked up.

The characters of Sean and Katrina Finch are like experts/foot soldiers of the week needed to accomplish the mission. Speaking of the experts of the week.

I gotta stop now. The more I say stuff about it the more I'm comparing it to the comic which is a different medium. Comparing something that appeared on two mediums is always bad. I do have some gripes but it can wait when the series gets picked up. Remember I said "when" not "if". It's only a matter of time.

Take it from me. Download the pilot in the Bittorrent network. And be enthralled at this amazing show.


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