

Execution Singapore-style

"Van Tuong Nguyen (Vietnamese: Nguye^~n Tu+o+`ng Vân, baptised Caleb[1], and known to friends and family as Van) (17 August 1980 ? 2 December 2005) was a Thailand?born Vietnamese Australian convicted of drug trafficking in Singapore. Such offences carry a mandatory death sentence under Singapore's Misuse of Drugs Act, and despite pleas for clemency from the Australian government, Amnesty International as well as other individuals and groups, he was executed by hanging at 6:07 am SGT on 2 December 2005 at ChangiPrison (9:07 am AEDT (2 December) or 22:07 UTC (1 December))."

Found guilty or not, thats harsh. Not just plain harsh, that's like
someone-else-played-God-on-your-ass-and-decided-to-kill-you-off-harsh. What makes this so appalling is tt was Nguyen's first offense. According to that Wikipedia entry he was helping out his brother pay of some debts. The problem with Singapore's Mususe of Drugs Act is it is too harsh on the drug courriers and not the drug bosses and dealers. I think Singapore deserves all the hate coming its way because of this. Killing a man 25 years into his life with no previous criminal record is a damn criminal. How can they sleep at night? Perosnally, If Nguyen killed someone intentionally then give him the death penalty.

The other day I overheard two people on the radio. One of them, and I'm not sure about this, is actor Edu Manzano. I think it was Manzano cause his voice was similar to his. They were discussing this Nguyen Execution and came to the conclusion that Singapore's Law are really severe and to be careful there implying Nguyen got what he deserved. After that they then talked about the SEAGames held here. In all the claptrap they were saying I hope that they know all if not most of the info surrounding it and they researched even a bit of it. Do they even know Nguyen had no previouscriminal record?

My one question that I still want to know in all this is Why would the Commonwealth Department of Public Prosecutions of Austrailia not attempt to prosecute Nguyen for drug related offenses? Prosecuting him would have given Australia a chance to extradite Nguyen to Australia where he won't behanged just passed around like currency in prison.

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