My thoughts on the King Kong movie trailer
The King Kong movie has been out for awhile. Haven't seen it yet but I will eventually watch it. No doubt the movie is spectacular with gorgeous shots, great acting, breathtaking action and thats it. That's all I can get from the trailer. I'dve download a copy of it off the net but it just never crossed my mind (cue angel halo and singing choir).
Again, as far as I can tell from the trailer King Kong comes from an uncharted island populated by him, dinosaurs and tribal natives. He rules with a giant hairy fist and eats bananas all day and has his pick of females from any species. Thats why he's king. The women prostrate themselves to him. After an encounter with the expedition of foreigners into the island, Kong sees the most unattainbale treasure in all the existence: a gorgeous white woman. I say in all existence because even aliens come to Earth to partake this most rare of delicacies. Everyone likes a gorgeous white woman. Except for Captain Kirk. He likes green alien bitches.
Kong is then brought to America to dance and perform for the white man and when he begins loving this one white woman, you know what America does? America sends its air force to stop this interracial, let alone interspecies relationship. Why stop Kong? Why didn't they stop Howard the Duck? Oh wait Howard's white.
That's my take on the trailer. The racial overtones run rampant with it. And this is all taken from the trailer. As for the political overtones, I guess it has. Anybody wanna take a guess?
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the CGI looks so much better because of no shit colorgrading. new movies look so rediculous with that shit. like its a movie not instagram. cg stuff especially looks bad with color grading
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