Christmas and New Years
A month since the last one. Oh well.
Let's see what happened. Christmas came then gone. New Years came then gone. It's already the second half of the first decade of the millenium. Time's faster than it used to be. Got a yellow shirt and two Forgotten Realms novels for Christmas. No noche buena for Christmas. Well, I did eveyrone else in the house just watched tv. For New Years, me and my sister bought some firecrackers. Lots of the usual once like fountains, roman candles, rockets, those butterfly ones, triangulo and a mini sinturon ni hudas. Lots of good ones. Very few duds this year. We even bought one of those salvo cubes that shoot nine or sixteen shots in 10 seconds. That was a treat. One of those shots went horizontal and came towards us. No one got hurt though. Afterwards the safety precaution of drenching everything in water to make sure none of the duds would explode while we cleaned the street in front of the house. After that theres the noche buena for new year. Everyone joined in. Thats that.