

Impeach President Moley

Last month, I think, there was a near-coup in the country, or was that back in February. I forget. Anyway, We nearly had a coup. A week or so later I had an idea that maybe Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's mole is alive, is whispering instructions to her and is taking steps for world domination and this stamping down on possible coup plotters and putting a gag on the press is part of its plan. After talking to my friends about this and getting some funny-ass jokes out of it, we really feel that there should be a comic strip or a short flash movie about this remarkable piece of gold.

So I invite anyone who can draw or animate in flash to get in contact with me to mine this possibly humoungous piece of gold. Unfortunately though I am broke and unemployed so I can't pay you. But don't let that stop you. Act now!

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