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Inception: The Cobol Job
"A nifty, offical prequel comic for INCEPTION has gone online over at Yahoo - you can view it on your screen but it's also downloadable as a .pdf (iPad!)"
via Ain't It Cool News

Today's Behind the Scenes Pic of the Day is for the birds!
"It’s a candid moment between Hitch and Tippi Hedren where the photographer seemed to be in the right place at the right time as pigeons launch around the room like a John Woo movie."
via Ain't It Cool News

Look! It Moves! #51: When The Old Collides And Becomes New
"Thriller comics tend to run counter to juvenile vibe of superhero comics, since the thriller genre tends to carry a more, I don’t know, “respectable” or “adult” vibe compared to stories about men in long underwear beating each other up. But then the idea of the non-superpowered costumed vigilante was an offshoot of traditional two-fisted crime stories, since the idea of a two-fisted or gun-wielding hero who solves crimes and saves people was a fundamental mainstay of the crime and thriller genre to start with."
via Bleeding Cool

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